2020 CalTaxletter No. 11
On the advice of public health officials and in compliance with an executive order from Governor Gavin Newsom, the Executive Committee of the California Taxpayers Association announced this morning …
On the advice of public health officials and in compliance with an executive order from Governor Gavin Newsom, the Executive Committee of the California Taxpayers Association announced this morning …
Voters in this week’s election appear to have rejected Proposition 13, a statewide bond measure placed on the ballot by the Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom.
Among Californians of all political stripes, 58 percent believe state and local taxes are too high, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) reported February 26.
Assembly Member Kansen Chu this week introduced AB 2843, which would require local governments to impose an additional annual business license tax based on the number of employees – businesses with more workers would be penalized with higher taxes.
Only 45 percent of California’s registered voters support the split-roll property tax initiative, according to poll numbers released this month by the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education.
An initiative seeking to expand local governments’ authority to impose rent control qualified February 3 for the November ballot.
Initiative 19-0001 would allow governments to impose rent control ordinances on properties that are more than 15 years old.
Split-roll proponents have collected at least 745,000 signatures of the 1.6 million they hope to collect by their March 4 filing deadline, but are having to pay more than expected because of a…
The Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee launched the Legislature’s 2020-21 budget process January 23 with an informational hearing where senators expressed goals and concerns to representatives of the governor’s Department of Finance.
The Senate Governance and Finance Committee voted 4-2 on January 15 to approve SB 37 (Skinner), which would make California’s top corporate income tax rate the highest in the United States, but there are signs that the bill will not advance further in its current form.
Governor Gavin Newsom this morning unveiled a $222.2 billion state budget proposal, reflecting a $7.4 billion increase in total spending (general fund and special funds) over the budget enacted in June.