
2020 CalTaxletter No. 41

November revenue collections from the state’s three largest taxes – the personal income tax, corporation tax, and sales tax – were ahead of budget projections by $2.4 billion (33 percent), and total collections for the first five months of the 2020-21 fiscal year …

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Lake Tahoe Winter

2020 CalTaxletter No. 40

“A sizeable revenue windfall” of approximately $26 billion is taking shape for the state government because the pandemic-caused recession has had “a muted effect on tax collections …

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Barstow Station

2020 CalTaxletter No. 39

California voters have rejected Proposition 15, the split-roll initiative that proposed the largest property tax increase in state history, with 51.9 percent of the voters in opposition.

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Half Moon Bay California Pumpkin Patch scaled e1604088797811

2020 CalTaxletter No. 37

With three days until the November 3 election, recent polls continue to indicate that the split-roll initiative (Proposition 15) will either pass or fail by a very narrow margin.

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voting center Kenneth Kahn Hall Los Angeles

2020 CalTaxletter No. 36

When Governor Gavin Newsom closed California’s economy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March, the Department of Finance estimated that the state would face a $54.3 billion budget deficit…

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Tuolumne Meadows Yosemite

2020 CalTaxletter No. 35

Governor Gavin Newsom this week vetoed SB 972 (Skinner), a CalTax-opposed bill that would have required the state to disclose confidential taxpayer information.

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SF Bay Bridge Under Orange Ominous Sky with Fire Smoked

2020 CalTaxletter No. 34

Governor Gavin Newsom and Controller Betty Yee this month endorsed Proposition 15, the split-initiative on the November ballot, while a new poll shows the measure is losing popularity with likely voters.

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Near Cuyama and Soda Lake Deserted Bldg

2020 CalTaxletter No. 33

The union-backed campaign supporting Proposition 15 – the split-roll measure that would require reassessment of commercial and industrial properties at least every three years …

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