Point Reyes Cypress Tree Tunnel USED ISSUED 21 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 21

Democrats in the state Assembly unveiled a state budget proposal late May 24 that proposes $147.6 billion in general fund spending in 2019-20 and declares the intent that “a broad, progressive vision … will animate this year’s budget discussions.”

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Los Angeles Aerial View USED ISSUE 19 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 19

Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 4 voted May 15 to support a budget increase for the Office of Tax Appeals, along with budget trailer bill language to expedite the tax appeals process.

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Ranunculus Field Carlsbad USED ISSUE 18 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 18

Governor Gavin Newsom on May 9 released his revised budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year, proposing total state spending of $213.6 billion, an increase of $12.2 billion (approximately 6 percent) more than the budget approved for 2018-19.

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Mt. Whitney Trail Inyo County USED ISSUE 17 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 17

The Senate Governance and Finance Committee voted 6-0 on May 1 to approve a bill establishing a new state board to study business-related “tax expenditures,” after the author agreed to the committee’s proposed amendments that deleted …

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Tufa Formations in Mono Lake Mono County USED ISSUE 16 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 16

The state government’s personal income tax revenue as of April 25 was more than $4.5 billion higher than last year’s collections at the same point in the fiscal year, the Legislative Analyst’s Office reported.

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10 El Capitan Bridal Veil Falls Merced River Yosemite National Park USED ISSUE 15 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 15

There was activity this week in the pending litigation over whether San Francisco’s Measure C gross receipts tax passed or failed in the November election. On April 9, the California Business Properties Association, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the California Business Roundtable …

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mount shasta USED ISSUE 14 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 14

The state Senate approved legislation April 4 that would require online marketplace facilitators to collect sales and use tax as outlined in the U.S. Supreme Court’s South Dakota v. Wayfair decision.

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Property Tax Panel 2 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 13

The split-roll property tax, major changes in sales tax administration, California’s new tax appeals system and other key issues were topics of discussion at the California Taxpayers Association’s 93rd Annual Meeting, held March 26 in Sacramento…

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14 Laguna Beach scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 12

Legislation asking the state to study the viability of implementing a carbon tax to replace the state’s sales and use tax passed the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on March 20. The bill (SB 43 by Senator Ben Allen, who chairs the committee) was approved on a party-line 4-2 vote, with Democrats in support, and now goes to the Senate Governance …

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06 Montana de Oro State Park USED ISSUE 11 scaled 1

2019 CalTaxletter No. 11

With a 69-0 vote on March 14, the Assembly approved legislation making changes to the California Department and Fee Administration’s implementation of South Dakota v. Wayfair, the U.S. Supreme Court decision relating to sales and use tax on transactions involving out-of-state sellers…

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