Assembly Approves Taxpayer-Supported Legislation to Keep Jobs and Investments in California

For Immediate Release, May 26, 2022
Contact: David Kline (916) 893-2614 or
[email protected]

The Assembly voted overwhelmingly last night to approve legislation to keep manufacturing jobs and investments in California by making the state’s tax structure more competitive.

AB 1951, co-sponsored by the California Taxpayers Association and the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, provides a full sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing and research-and-development equipment purchases up to $200 million.

“When you buy products manufactured in this state, you support our communities, workers, economy, schools and vital services – and this important bill will lead to more California-made products on store shelves,” CalTax President Robert Gutierrez said.

AB 1951, authored by Assembly Member Tim Grayson, was approved by the Assembly with a bipartisan 74-0 vote, and now moves to the Senate.